Philodendron ‘Birkin’ is a wonderful houseplant whose appeal can be pinned on the generous creamy white streakiness that’s overlaid on dark green leaves. The best part? No pattern is exactly the same, so each leaf sports its own look. Philodendron ‘Birkin’ takes its time to grow, so no worries about it quickly outgrowing its spot or crowding out neighbors. Yet, with time, it can reach 3 feet tall. 'Birkin' is a self-heading philodendron (meaning it does not climb and is self supporting). ‘Birkin’ thrives in medium to bright, indirect light, so near windows but not so close for direct rays. Such light will bring out the patterns that make ‘Birkin’ a standout houseplant. This is where sheer curtains are your friend, softening the impression of light that would otherwise be too strong. ‘Birkin’ won’t be its same festive, streaky self in low light.This philodendron is no water hog. Aim for slightly moist soil, allowing the top couple of inches to go dry or just about before watering again. Prefers average to above-average relative h umidity. If your space has particularly dry air, boost humidity by grouping 'Birkin' with other houseplants.
- Infuse your spaces with beautiful, tropical, leafy living flair
- Being around plants helps bring down stress levels and elevate moods
- Low-maintenance houseplant